Collegium Da Vinci, ul. Kutrzeby 10, Poznań
16-18 VIII 2024

Cosplay contest rules „Hikari 2024”

Festiwal Hikari

General provisions

  1. These Regulations specify the conditions for the Cosplay Contest, hereinafter referred to as the Contest, taking place on August 17, 2024 in Poznań during the “Hikari 2024” event, hereinafter referred to as the Convention.
  2. The organizer of the contest is Stowarzyszenie Klub Fantastyki Druga Era based in Poznań (61-131) at st. Kaliska 22a/23, registered in the National Court Register under number 0000207209.
  3. Only natural persons may participate in the Contest.
  4. By submitting an entry, the Participants declares that they do not maintain any relationships with members of the Jury that could influence the evaluation of the performance.
  5. The Contest will be decided by a jury appointed by the Organizer. The contest is not a game of chance, a mutual bet or a promotional lottery, the result of which depends on chance (drawing) within the meaning of Article 2 of the Gambling Act of November 19, 2009 (Dziennik Ustaw z 2009 r., Nr 201 poz. 1540).

Conditions of Participation in the Contest

  1. Any natural person who is a consumer within the meaning of Art. may participate in the Cosplay Contest. 22(1) of the polish Civil Code, which at least on the day of the start of the Cosplay Contest meets the following conditions:
    1. has read the content of the General Regulations of the Convention and the Regulations of the Cosplay Contest and has accepted its provisions,
    2. is an adult or, in the case of a minor, has the written consent of a parent or legal guardian according to the template available on the website
    3. is a full-fledged, accredited participant of the Convention (loss of accreditation as a result of breaking the General Regulations results in exclusion from the Contest),
    4. has a costume of a character from a comic book, film, book, TV series, computer game, fairy tale or other works of pop culture – in special cases allowed by the Organizer, your own creation in the appropriate style of the genre is allowed,
    5. elements of the Participant’s outfit are not dangerous items within the meaning of point 28. g. of the General Regulations of the Convention (properly secured and marked replicas brought to the event area only with the consent of the Organizer for the purposes of this Contest are excluded),
    6. the submitted cosplay was not awarded the main prize (in the case of international qualifying rounds, also the runner-up) in any cosplay contest.
  2. Participation in the Contest is voluntary. By entering the Cosplay Contest, the Participant accepts all provisions contained in the regulations.
  3. The outfit can only be entered in one of the cosplay contests organized at Hikari 2024.
  4. The participants made at least 80% of their own costumes. If this requirement is not met, the Participant cannot take part in the Contest.
  5. Applications for the Contest should be sent by July 28, 2024 via the application form available at the Hikari 2024 event on Facebook or on the website.
  6. The application should include all the elements required in the application form.
  7. The Organizer will provide information about the acceptance or rejection of the application and the required corrections in the application no later than the deadline until August 5, 2024.
  8. Group registration is possible. One person then volunteers on behalf of the group.
  9. The performance script should assume the duration of the performance from a minimum of one minute to a maximum of two minutes. For group presentations, the performance duration is a minimum of one minute and a maximum of four minutes. At the participant’s request, in special, justified cases, the Organizer may extend the duration of the performance.
  10.  Catwalk performances are not planned.
  11.  The participant has the right to use his or her own helpers. An helper is understood as a person supporting the course of the scene but does not interact with the participant. The actions of helpers are not subject to jury review.
  12.  The Organizer reserves the right to introduce amendments to the performance script, after informing the participant. This applies in particular to the duration of the performance.
  13.  The Organizer reserves the right to reject any application without giving a reason, in particular an application that is: incomplete; inappropriate for minors or with content generally considered inappropriate.
  14.  Changes to the information contained in the application sent by the Participant may be made no later than August 10, 2024 by contacting the e-mail address provided in point 5 of the Final Provisions.
  15.  No later than two days before the start of the Cosplay Contest, all participants will be informed of the time and place of the start of the competition along with the rehearsal and jury round.
  16.  By entering the Contest, the Participants declares that they have the right to use the songs that will be used during the performances.

Course of the Competition

  1. The Contest consists of:
    1. Performance rehearsals,
    2. Jury Rounds,
    3. Stage performances,
    4. Awards gala.
  2. The Jury Round and Performance Rehearsal for Stage Performances are mandatory for each Participant. The order is determined by the organizer. Absence is considered a resignation from participation.
  3. During the Jury Round, each Participant’s outfit will be evaluated by the Jury based on an interview and visual inspection.
  4. During Stage Performances, in the presence of the audience:
    1. the host will introduce the Participant,
    2. the participant will present the outfit in a scene planned according to the application.
  5. Participants are required to follow the scenario presented to the Organizer before their stage performance. Including elements in the performance that have not been approved by the Organizer and could pose a threat to the safety or good conduct of others may lead to disqualification from the competition.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify a Participant who has demonstrated unsportsmanlike behavior, especially a lack of courtesy towards other participants or event staff.
  7. Each case of a reprimand or disqualification is considered individually by the Organizer.

Prizes and evaluation

  1. When evaluating, the Jury will consider the following elements:
    1. adherence to the source material,
    2. technical execution,
    3. stage presentation.
  2. The jury awards five prizes:
    1. Grand Prix – the main prize will be the sum of all the evaluation points,
    2. prize for technical execution of the costume,
    3. prize for the best makeup (considering body painting/wig styling/makeup),
    4. prize for best stage presentation,
    5. prize for the best debut (debut defined as previous participation in a maximum of 2 cosplay competitions by a single Participant).
  3. The Jury’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.
  4. The aforementioned prizes consist of a pool of cash prizes amounting to 5,500.00 PLN and material prizes. The prizes are divided according to the prize categories:
    1. Grand Prix – 2,000.00 PLN and material prizes,
    2. prize for technical execution of the costume – 1,500.00 PLN and material prizes, 
    3. prize for the best stage presentation – 1,000.00 PLN and material prizes,
    4. prize for the best debut – 500.00 PLN and material prizes, 
    5. prize for the best makeup – 500.00 PLN and material prizes
  5. The Organizer is obliged to fulfill tax obligations on behalf of the Participant related to the awarding of prizes. In the case of cash prizes, where the amount triggers a tax obligation, the Organizer will deduct the appropriate amount from the awarded prize to fulfill the tax obligations.
  6. In the event that a group wins the prize, it will be handed over to the person who submitted the application. The division of the prize is independent of the Organizer.
  7. Prizes provided by sponsors will be announced by the Organizer on selected social media channels.

Participants’ personal data

  1. Personal data administrator is Stowarzyszenie Klub Fantastyki „Druga Era” ul. Kaliska 22a/23 61-131 Poznań, NIP 972-109-86-95, entered in the Court Register under the number KRS 0000207209.
  2. Participants’ personal data will be processed for the purpose of conducting the Cosplay Contest and promoting events organized by the Organizer.
  3. Participants’ personal data in the Cosplay Contest may be shared with third parties for the proper conduction of the Contest and in promotional materials of the Administrator and third parties who are the prize sponsors in the Contest.
  4. Participants have the right to access their personal data, to rectify, delete, or limit the processing of their data.
  5. Participants have the right to object to further processing and, in the case of consent to data processing, to withdraw it – except for the data of contest winners, which will be stored for the period specified by regulations concerning the archiving of documents in local government units.
  6. Providing personal data is voluntary, but refusal to provide it will prevent participation in the Contest..
  7. For matters regarding personal data, please contact the email address: [email protected]

Final provisions

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to:
    1. change submission deadlines, after prior publication of this information on informational channels (website and Hikari 2024 fanpage available on Facebook),
    2. make changes to these Regulations, provided that Participants are informed through the aforementioned methods,
    3. select submissions based on quality criteria, particularly in case of excessive quantity.
  2. The provisions of the General Regulations of the event remain applicable, particularly those regarding the use of Participants’ images for promotional purposes by the Organizer.
  3. In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
  4. The Cosplay Contest rules are available on the website
  5. Entries, questions, or comments should be sent to the email address [email protected].